Maintaining your cool under pressure. : Woodbridge Football - 2017, The 94th Season!

The Latest News Reports and BLOG!
This page was last updated on: August 12, 2017

Woodbridge High School Football  -  Woodbridge, New Jersey - Launched 01-01-2003
Web site owned, designed, maintained and contents solely authorized
by McDevitt Enterprises ®  -  © 2015

Back in the early years, WHS utilized the nickname "Red Ghosts"!   In 2003, was created.  Utilizing that piece of history,  the web site mascot you see on our pages was adopted.
"The harder you work and sweat in practice, the less you will bleed on game day!"

Maintaining your cool under pressure.

by / / on 09/17/15

Unless you just arrived from another planet, the hottest topic in NJ football this week is the Linden football assault issue. I've seen the play, and I believe the Linden player deserves the punishment meted out. Removal from the team for the season. Actions like his have NO legitimate justifications. Period.

Bottom line. Channel that rage or frustration into the next play. If you can't, you're out of control and need help. 

W O O D B R I D G E   F O O T B A L L   -   T h e   L a t e s t   N e w s   R e p o r t s   a n d   B L O G !
Welcome to 
The Latest News Reports
and BLOG!  
This page was created to allow a more timely posting of News Reports generated about the Woodbridge Football program. The Newsletter used last season is going to be eliminated, so if you see a report you want to keep or share, be sure to copy and paste them into your computer or device. 
Back in the early years, WHS utilized the nickname "Red Ghosts"!   In 2003, was created.  Utilizing that piece of history,  the web site mascot you see on our pages was adopted.
"The Red Ghost"
August 11, 2017, its FB page, and its Twitter page are closed.  

Best of luck for a successful season!